I've recently took 1 hour of my life calculating some interesting facts about my life.
1. I am born on the 12th of september. That gives me the identity card number 0912. No doubt that it is hard to remember.
2. I was born on the 12th of January september at 08:00a.m. Which means I have been living for 13 years 2 months and 14 days.
3. Which means I have been living for 156 months.
4. Which also means I have been living for 4836 days.
5. I have been alive for 116064 hours and 49 minutes.
6. Which means I have been alive for 6963889 minutes.
7. Which also means I have been alive for 417833340 seconds.
8. Everyday, I spend at least 8 hours sleeping. This gives me 37906 hours of sleep.
9. Which is equivalent to 1581 days. Or about 51 months.
10. So, it means I have spend about 4 years of my life sleeping.
11. I enter the toilet at least 4 times a day (bathingx2, doing business - all included). It means I have entered the toilet for 18980 times through out my entire life.
12. IF I am a part-timer in 7 eleven or somewhere since the day I was born. I will be paid RM4 per hour. If I were to work for 24 hours a day, my earnings will be RM455520 - which is impossible.
13. I drink at least 1 litres of water everyday, so, 4745 litres of water on the Earth was drank by me.
p/s: i love you
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