Monday, November 24, 2008

i blog bacause...

I don't blog for no reason. I have what it takes to blog. People are pissed with me recently because they think I'm a blind blogger with no directions.

Let me prove them wrong.

i am here to tell everyone why I blog.

I blog because I have the freedom to do so.
I use my rights freely and I think I have no reason for feeling guilty about what I write.

I blog because I love to express thoughts in words.
It's my knowledge and I am free to 'shit' around.

I blog because I want to share.
I'm not a self-centered, selfish bastard.

I blog because I can unleash the inner part of me.
Everyone needs some place to release everything out.

I blog because I want feedbacks.
I don't throw things out without asking people to throw it back at me. But throw it with the right way. Not back-stabbing sort.

I blog because I give a damn about what others think.
As I said, 
feedbacks are always welcome.

I blog because I have a life.
And I think those who do not have a life should get one. Start blogging.

I blog because I'm confident with everything I write.
I don't have anything to be ashamed of.

I blog because I spread information and NOT gossips.
I don't provide false information. In the same time, I don't beg for your trust in what I write. You choose whether to believe or otherwise, your freedom.

I blog because I have a purpose for doing it.
I don't bullshit around here.

And this one is an extra.

I DANG because I have the freedom to do so.
If you hate for me for 
DANGing you, spit it to me straight at my face.

If you have issues with me, tell me directly and who you are. I don't hope anyone will go start a mob against me behind my back. Same goes to anonymous comments, an act of a coward.

Love me or hate me, you choose.

p/s: i love you

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